Sunday, February 27, 2011

Week 26: Silly magnets (oooh...)

This week's jelly bean flavor was MAGNETISM (Ahhh...)

(Side Note 1: Am I the only one who hears an "oooh" or "ahhh" in the background every time someone says "magnetism" or "magnets"? No one else thinks that? Oh, okay, I guess I'm alone. Uh, thanks.)

So our refrigerator has magnets (oooh...) on it. Yup. 
And our family uses these magnets (ahhh...) to hang stuff: calendars, recipes and personal reminders;l sometimes it's pictures or personal reminders, maybe even my first and only 100% physics quiz (but it only stayed up there for a week).
I have a note posted up that reminds me (quite forcefully, might I add) to take my medication.

--No. I'm NOT crazy.
--The first sign of craziness is denial, dear.
(Side Note 2
--Readers: "Medication? For what, Jen?" 
--Jen: "Well, for the voices I hear in my head, of course." 
--Readers: "Ohhhh...")

Thanks to Physics, I can finally explain how these magnets (oooh...) stick to the refrigerator. 

On the atomic level, the electrons of the refrigerator's surface all have spins. The result is a magnetic domain. These atoms are like small tiny magnets (ahhh...) but the directions of their domains all cancel out because they're all randomly spinning in whatever direction they want 
(Side Note 3: Electrons are quite stubborn in this way. So stubborn.)

This results in no net magnetic field because the domains do not align.

However, enter typical kitchen magnet (oooh...). The kitchen magnet (ahhh...) causes the domains on the surface of the refrigerator to realign, thus creating a temporary magnet (ooh...) of the refrigerator's surface where the kitchen magnet sticks.

Lo and behold, it sticks. Yay. 

And, voila, the Physics of silly magnets (ahhh...).

P.S. Our family manages to buy magnets from places we visit, so here are some for your viewing pleasure.

Look at the cute penguin from Montreal, Canada!
Various magnets from Haleakala, Maui!

This one's from Barnes&Noble...not really a trip, but I really liked the quote. It's so...'Iolani, right?

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Week 24: Dimming Up and Dimming Down

In the 2005 movie Bewitched with Nicole Kidman and Will Ferrell, there's a roll of different clips where Samantha settles into her new life. She moves into her new house and cleans it up, she has quite a bit of trouble setting up her TV, I think, and she even opens tons of cans of soda because she had always opened them by magic. Buy my favorite part of the montage is when Samantha discovers that her dining room lights have a dimmer switch and she has a bit of fun slowly making it brighter, then dimmer, then brighter and so on. And all the while she does this, she goes, "Dimming uuuupppppp....dimming doooowwwwwnnnn..."

That part always makes me smile.

We actually have a dimmer switch on the lights above our dining table.


The brightness of the lights depend on the power or the amount of current that flows through them. The higher the current, the higher the power and the brighter the lights. Therefore, moving the switch up and down changes the magnitude of flowing current.

But how does it do this? Inside the dimmer switch is a moving variable resistor. This is basically a piece of metal that can increase the distance that the charge has to travel.

As I move the switch up to dim the lights, the length (L) that the charge has to travel increases. The resistance of the metal (R), or the metal's ability to oppose the electric flow, increases as L increases.

As R increases, I decreases because the two are inversely proportional. As I decreases, power (P) decreases as well because the two are directly proportional.

Finally, as P decreases, the lights dim down.

And, voila, the Physics of "dimming uuuupppppp....dimming doooowwwwwnnnn...!"